Hi Friends
Once again you guys proved a great help. Last time it was for
SCJP where I scored 98%.
Now, I have cleared SCWCD with 91%. It is very nice score but, as I missed only 1 question in SCJP to score 100%. This time, I was trying my best to get my dream score ....Any ways I am very very happy with 91% .... Heartly Thanks to GOD & you guys for such a great help
Following are the detail on my learning & how I cleared SCWCD
Exam Experience:
My personal experience was it was tougher than SCJP, because we need to memorize lots of APIs & I am bad at memorizing the APIs. I felt only 5-6 questions were very difficult rest was mix of lil difficult & lil easy. Time to attempt the questions in the exam is more than enough, no worry in that case. So be calm & think twice while answering any question.
Time To Prepare:
Prior to exam, I had good experience in
jsp servlets but not in tags, filters,DD etc. I took around 3 months to prepare for the exam. This time may vary from person to person depending on time he spends daily for the study, or grasping power or prior experience in java/j2ee projects or marital status

(married ppl have to give time to family too

) etc
Head First Servlets and JSP ( I read this book 2-3 times, 2 times is must after that when ever you feel, you are weak in any particular area read that chapter)
Mock Exams:
1. HFSJ first edition (Scored only 75 %

, I attempted this just day before the exam day and after seeing this score I postponed my exam for around 10 days

2. Niko's mock exams (really good, must do)
3. Marcus Green mocks (nice one, must do)
1. Enthuware mocks -- It is really worth paying that amount. It gives best practice for real exam & conepts.
1. Frederic Esnault notes (good for revision, in sync with HFSJ & highlighted good points).
2. JSTL specs. (lil bit, to clear my doubts)
3. Peaboy Design
patterns notes.
4. Ashok's API reference notes.
5. Sample web.xml and TLD by Michael John
6. Dale Seng's PowerPoint slides: JSTL Animation, Servlet Listeners
7. ScwcdHints by Jothi Shankar Kumar
1. Try to create your own notes, this will help in last days of exam.
2. Try to practice as much as possible.
3.Try giving as many mock exams as possible
3. Don't take
test until you feel you are ready. Trust me you will come to know yourself that you are ready now.
4. Exam time is more than enough so don't make hurry in exam.
SCJP (1.4) - 98%
SCWCD (5.0) - 91 %