Hi All
I have a wsdl which has some reference to external locations (URLs). Whenever I run the wsdl2java utility , it gives me error like -
an error occured trying to resolve schema referenced at ...... - reffering to the external url. This is because the enviorenment on which I am working doesnt have network connectivity. I checked it on another enviorenment where it has net connection, and it worked fine as it was able to connect to the external location.
Now to resolve this I want to use XML Catalog. But I am not aware of how to use it with
ant build (build.xml). The wsdl2java utlity of Axis2 doesnot comes with any argument which allows us to specify any XML Catalog files for resolving external references of the wsdl.
Request you all to suggest me a suitable way to ressolve this. Also note that I cant change my development method, as its mandatory for me to use ant build scripts(build.xml) to do all such things. So I need to specify the XML Catalog somewhere in the build.xml target where wsdl2java is specified.
Please help.