This is to reference to BE THE CONTAINERON page # 358 in HF SCWCD book.
jsp:useBean id="person" type="foo.Employee" scope="request" >
<jsp:setProperty name="person" property="name" value="Fred" />
Name is : <jsp:getProperty name="person" property="name" />
1. What happens if the
servlet code looks like:
foo.Person p = new foo.Person();
Where Person is abstract class and Employee extends Person and is concreate class.
Explanation given :
Fails at request time.The "person" attribute is stored at request scope,so the <jsp:useBean> tag won`t work since it specifies only a type.The CONTAINER knows that if you have only a type specified ,there must be an existing bean attribute of the name and scope.
My Doubt
According to my understanding if the attribute ("person") is already in request scope then the <jsp:useBean> will try to find the attribute by something like this in generated _jspService method by the container.
person = (foo.Employee)_jspx_page_context.getAttribute("person",PageContext.Request_Scope);
so if person if not null then there is no point of failure at request time and <jsp:getProperty> will print the name.
Can anybody please explain where iam wrong?
Sumit Kumar