posted 14 years ago
NOTE: I changed this first part because I misread the original question
The way you've annotated your controller, it's configured like a SimpleFormController (i.e. one path with separate GET & POST handler methods). The thing that controller annotations do is blur the lines between the old ideas of form controller and multiaction controller. Basically, you can do either or both in the same controller now. Anything you could do with the old SimpleFormController, you can pretty much do with annotations.
If you watch the startup and you've got full logging turned on, you'll see that the annotation handler deduces a lot from the annotations you've got. That's the convention over configuaration showing up. On the other hand, a multi-action controller would look more like the following (using your example) and takes advantage of more explicit path definitions. Notice how it's possible to blend both SimpleFormController behavior with MultiActionController behavior.