I am trying an example from Jakarta
Struts Live book.
My application isnt able to read the application.properties file or not able to refence the key values and I end up with errors like "Missing message for key .."
In struts-config.xml I have
<message-resources parameter="application" /> when application.properties is kept directly under the source folder.
Inside application.properties I have message and key pairs as :
userRegistration.firstName.problem=The first name was blank. userRegistration.firstName=First Name. userRegistration.lastName=Last Name. userRegistration.username=Username. Inside my
JSP form I have
<bean:message key="userRegistration.firstName"/> to reference the value from the resource file.
I see errors like
2005-03-18 17:01:20 StandardWrapperValve[jsp]: Servlet.service() for servlet jsp threw exceptionjavax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Missing message for key "userRegistration.username" at org.apache.struts.taglib.bean.MessageTag.doStartTag(MessageTag.java:235) when I am trying to deploy the app.
It deploys fine, but when I try to access the JSP, it shows me an error
javax.servlet.ServletException: Missing message for key "userRegistration.firstName" I tried changing the location of application.properties, to no avail.
Using Netbeans 4.1 , J2SE 1.5 , copied latest struts lib from Apache.
Could you advise ?