I've got a suspicion that you've got business logic in a backing bean and maybe
you should move out of the backing bean and into a business bean so that it can be shared by backing beans for the 2 pages instead of trying to redirect.
It wouldn't be that uncommon to have a request come in on one JSF URL and have the request process, then navigate to a different View, but that's not the same as redirect. Redirect is normally done instead of processing, not in addition to processing.
Part of my confusion is what you really mean by "page load".
In a URL GET JSF request, the request comes in, the View is set up and the page loads into the user's browser. At that point, the HTTP request/response cycle is at an end. You cannot redirect - you have to initiate another request/response, either by the user taking manual action or by client-side automation (JavaScript or META tag). This is what I interpret when someone says "page load". I think you mean something different, though.