I'm using
Struts 1.2.4 (along with the validator framework), and I've noticed that for my forms that do a Post, the action class is executed twice. I put log statements in my code to try to figure out what is happening. The sequence of events is as follows:
- User presses Update button on a
JSP - doPost method invoked (ActionServlet)
- Struts validation methods invoked
- execute method (Action class) entered
- execute method (Action class) returns forward action of Success
- processing returns to the same JSP
- doGet method invoked (ActionServlet)
- Struts validation methods invoked
- execute method (Action class) entered
- processing returns to the same JSP
- web page is displayed on browser
Everything prior to the doGet looks normal. I can't understand why the JSP submits a Get request when it should display. The method specified in the JSP's form (there is only one form in the JSP) is a Post, not a Get. The JSP does not contain any JavaScript.
Has anyone seen this problem or know what is happening here? Thanks very much for your assistance.