I have done an implementation and, again, the thought that the design might become inappropriate is bothering me.
Thing is like this, as in my supplied interface from Sun, most of the methods take or return
String Arrays as arguments and as I use byte Arrays to write data into file, I found natural to make a business object aut of my Accomodation instead of just a value objects and I decided to implement the business ruls directly here:
pad the fields with spcaes when it is the case directly in this class setters,
made 3 constructors, 1 nonargument, 1 that takes a byte[] and looks like this:
and one that takes a String[] and also sets the values of the fields
I also have these two methods:
I could use an opinion about this
And since I am here, one more question, may i presume that recNo "n" corresponds with n'th record found in file?