Hi guys,
Need a small help and a real quick one, since i just began to get my hands on
struts still am not very comfortable with the framework.
Coming to my problem. I want to know how do i get a Form class on my
jsp page.
Explaining it in detail :
I have a page A, on submitting page A i am supposed to go to page B.
I have written a code like
in the A_Action class.
When my control comes to page B, i need to use the b_form thing on my page directly.
It works if i use :
<html:text name="B_FORM" property="xyz" size="3" maxlength="3" style="ime-mode
in B.jsp(xyz being a field on my page).
However the value is not populated in the textfield if i use
<html:text property="xyz" size="3" maxlength="3" style="ime-mode
I actually want to use the second case as my control might return back to the same page and at that time i do not want session values.
What do i do to get this working ?
I need the solution real quick mates.