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java trainers certified on
SCJP and SCWCD available. Please find more details on
Though many people conceive Java as a huge giant and think that learning Java might be difficult, I feel that learning Java is nothing but Fun and with the right trainer, you are left with an unforgettable training experience.
A2Z Java provides online training to those who aspire to learn the basics of the language or even to those who wish to master it.
The course is split into several 1-hour sessions. The sessions require an internet connection with a bandwidth of at lest 256 kbps or more. Each session is conducted via screen sharing tools and voice conference through either skype or telephone. The learning experience is indeed personalized as the trainings are conducted one on one and the schedule and syllabus can be modified as per the trainee's needs. Since personal attention is available, a trainee might prefer to learn things at his/her own pace and appropriate assignments and handouts are provided to help learn quickly and efficiently.
About Online Training - Know How
A trainee needs an internet connection with a speed of 256 kbps or more and with this, the trainee is ready to get started. The trainer will connect to the trainee via Skype or Telephone for voice call. The trainee then shares his/her screen while the trainer instructs on how to create a new class and write code. Thus, this is different from other online training sessions, where the trainee sees the trainer's screen and has to manage hands on sessions on his own. Due to this methodology, the trainee gets hands on sessions directly while coding. The trainer does not even need access to the trainee's machine.
Online training can thus be effective in more than one way -
* No restrictions on Time - as opposed to a class room training where sessions have to attended in the pre mentioned time slots.
* Training can be taken from the comfort of one's home.
* If the trainee decides to skip a class, he can request to reschedule it and does not need to pay for rescheduling. Compare this with classroom training where if you miss a class, you still pay for it.
* A personalized one to one training ensures that the student understands the current topic before moving on to the next one.
* Schedule can be customized and only those topics which a student wants to learn can be included.
* In depth coverage or a brief overview - the trainee can choose how exactly he wants to proceed.
* All queries will be answered!
* The concepts are taught while doing practicals thus the learning experience is enhanced and correlating theory and practical becomes an easy task for the learner.
If you are interested in exploring more, you can request for a free demo now.
About the Trainer
The trainer has over three years of industrial experience in working with projects related to Java. The trainer is a Sun Certified Java Programmer for Java 5 and Java 6 and also a Sun Certified Web Component Developer for Java 5. Besides the trainer holds IBM Rational Certifications and Brainbench Certifications in Java.
The trainer has taught over 120 students in classroom sessions and has clocked over 200 hours in class room training. The trainer has completed over 50 online training hours in less than a month and has tutored students from US, UK and other parts of the globe.
To get in touch, send a mail to
[email protected]
Course Details
A2Z Java currently offers short term and long term courses in Java and JSPs and
Servlets. The short term and long term courses differ primarily in the depth of the topics visited. Though a standard time frame has been mentioned below, along with the topics, this time frame is not rigid. The topics and schedule can be customized to meet the student's demands.
Courses Offered
Course Name
Basic or Core Java (Short Term) 15-20 hours
Basic or Core Java (Long Term) 25-40 hours
Advanced Java - JSPs and Servlets (Short Term)
20-25 hours
Advanced Java - JSPs and Servlets (Long Term) 25-40 hours
SCJP- Sun Certified Java Programmer for JSE 5 or JSE 6 Available on Request
SCWCD- Sun Certified Web Component Developer for
Available on Request
Free Demo
Request for a free demo before you enroll yourself. Once you are satisfied, we can take it further. To schedule a free demo and for a list of demo topics click here.
Pricing Policy
For details on the prices per hour and discounts for various courses, please visit the Pricing Policy section.
Basic or Core Java (Short term) - Duration 15-20 hours
* What is Object Oriented Programming?
* Understanding Classes and Objects
* Hello World in Java
* Java Fundamentals
o Primitives, keywords, strings and arrays
o Methods - Input, Output, method invocation and method flow
o Members of a class - fields, methods and constructors
o Input and Output - Using System class and Scanner
o Access modifiers and scopes - public, protected, default and private
o Loops and conditional execution using if, while, do-while, for, switch, etc.
o Advanced foreach loop of Java 5
o Non access modifiers - static, final and abstract
* Understanding Inheritance, Encapsulation and
* Method Overriding and Overloading. Constructor Overloading
* Abstraction in Java through Interfaces and abstract classes
* Introduction to Inner Classes
* Exception Framework
* Collection Framework
Basic or Core Java (Long Term) - Duration 25-40 hours
Besides the topics listed in Basic Java Curriculum, following topics will also be covered
* Enums in Java
* Garbage collection in Java
o How JVM handles garbage collection
o Islands of Isolation
* Inner classes in detail
o Inner Class
o Static Inner Class
o Method local Inner Class
o Anonymous Inner Class
* Concurrency in Java
Thread Class and Runnable Interface
o Understanding the Throwable Heirarchy
o Declaring custom exceptions and throwing them
o Catching and Handling an Exception
* File Input and Output
o Create a new file and write to it
o Determining properties of a file or directory
o Search a text file using RegEx search with
Pattern and Matcher
* Serialization - Persisting data outside the JVM
o Using built in Serialization techniques
o Defining custom serialization
o Deserializing a previously serialized object
o Serializing static fields
* Generics and Container
o Make your container thread safe
o Methods from Collections class
* Swing - AWT basics
JDBC - Connecting to the database
Advanced Java JSPs and Servlets (Short Term) - Duration 20-25 hours
Comprehension of the topics listed in Basic Java Curriculum is essential before commencement of this course.
* Create a web application with a single
JSP and deploy it to
* Create a Servlet and view output on browser
* Understanding the Servlet Life Cycle
o Studying the life cycle methods - init, service and destroy
o A look at the Servlet Heirarchy
* The JSP Life Cycle as an extension of Servlet Life Cycle
* Scriplets and expressions in JSP
* Implicit objects in JSP
* Declarations, directives in JSP
* Form processing - passing parameters on
* Understanding how the container translates the JSP into a java file
* Initialization Parameters - ServletConfig and ServletContext
* Session Management - using cookies as well as URL Rewriting
* Attributes vs Parameters
* JSP action tags - jsp:useBean, jsp:setProperty and jsp:getProperty
* RequestDispatcher - forward and include
* jsp:forward and jsp:include
* jsp:include vs include directive
* Error Page forwarding via JSP
* Servlets and JDBC
* Expression Language (EL)
o Operators, keywords, implicit objects
o Understanding pageContext implicit object
o Write an EL function
* JSTL Tags - Core tags, Formatting Tags, Function Tags
* Write a SimpleTag
* Create a war file manually and using Eclipse
Advanced Java JSPs and Servlets (Long Term) - Duration 25-40 hours
Besides the topics listed in Advanced Java Short Term Course, following topics will be covered
* Listeners and Events
o Registering Listeners in web.xml
o Which listeners are mapped to which events
o Inheriting from Listeners
* Erro-Page tag of web.xml for exceptions and error codes
* Security in web applications
o Authentication and Authorization
o Confidentiality and Data Integrity
o Four types of authentication types - BASIC, DIGEST, FORM & CLIENT-CERT
o Form based login for authentication
* Filters
o Understanding the Intercepting Filter Pattern
o Implementing a Filter
o Chain of filters using FilterChain
o Filters in web.xml -tags and order
* All JSTL core tags
* MVC - An introduction and mini tutorial
Struts - An Introduction
o Understanding the Struts framework
o Creating a simple form and form bean
* Spring - An Introduction
o Understanding Dependency Injection
o Simple aop using annotations
Free Demo
If you have not been part of an online training session before or if for some reason you were not satisfied with a previous online training that you had attended, you may choose to take a free demo before enrolling yourself with A2Z Java.
The Demo session is typically an hour long. You can request for a demo session by sending a mail to
[email protected] or you may leave your details in the guest book.
Demo Topics
A demo can be requested on any one of the following topics
* Writing a HelloWorld program in Java
* Understanding classes and objects
* if, while, for statements
* Writing a JSP page and deploying a web application
Payment can be made through PayPal.
For more information visit - or drop a mail to
[email protected]