Amol Fuke wrote:Hi ,
I have a cron job scheduled to run at every hour ;
Suppose I have created another job at 3:38 PM, will it run at 4 PM/5 PM/6 PM or 4:38 PM/5:38 PM/6:38 PM ?
Another question , what would be the cron expression if I want to run the job every hours in besiness hours i.e. between 7 AM to 7 PM.
is this right "0 0 7-19 ? * *" .But sometimes the jobs gets fired after 19 hours also.
Please let me know.
The fields of crontab expression
minutes hours day_of_month month day_of_week
If I want to run the job every hours in besiness hours, should be like this
0 9-18 * * 1-5
it will run every hour between 9AM to 6 PM from Monday to Friday