posted 19 years ago
i see what the problem is. you must set your value objects values into the ActionForm that is mapped that that action, not putting it into a "formbean". (unless your WSREditFormBean IS the name of the form you mapped that action to, in which case i misunderstood).
you then need to access the line items by iterating through the "". in your case, you'll need to do the following:
1. form-bean definition must contain
<form-bean name="ConcernForm".../>
<form-property name="custConcerns" type="bean.ConcernVO[]"/>
2. your action execute method then populates the properties using form.set("custConcerns",ConcernsVO[])
3. in your logic:iterate, you need to access the form by something like...
<logic:iterate id="custConId" name="" property = "custConcerns" type="bean.ConcernsVO">
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