I am developing application, where i am already connected with Oracle 10G Express Edition using Oracle Thin Driver.
Now I am trying to create the connection pool in glassfish v3.
When I ping my connection pool I am getting Error: Wrong Class Path
Following are the steps i took in Glassfish:
1. Create new connection pool
2. i named it as: AffablebeanPool
3. Database vendor name: Oracle
4. Resource Type: javax.sql.DataSource
5. DataSource Class: oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource --------------it comes automatically
My Oracle 10G Express Edition Attributes are as follows:
Database Name: XE
host: localhost
port number: 1521
UserId: affablebean
password: admin
I searched in Glassfish v3 Administration guide, but only found it for Oracle 11.
Please assist me with right steps.
It woul be helpful, if snapshots with Glassfishv3 is also posted here