I think that the problem is something with the Eclipse maybe, I think that becaouse there is no something like "create new tld" command, but I am not sure what it is. I attached screenshots becaouse of the way how Eclipse shows errors, becouse I suspected that to someone that might be a usefull information. I will paste text, which is similar to the text I have already pasted, and I will describe what it says in Eclipse, which errors there are.. (but it is not significantly different from the begining of this
thread, I think so)...
The new thing that I have done is that I imported jstl.jar and standard.jar. With right click on the project name, I went to the properties, choosed
Java Build Path > Libraries tab, and clicked Add External JARs.. I am not sure about many things. I can also Import archive file into a lib subdirectory of web-inf, but if I import it on that way, those two files jstl.jar and standard.jar, then I get question if I want to overwrite manifest.mf, with second import. I am not sure how this is supposed to be done, and what are the effects of different ways of importing those two jars. I'm stuck with an Eclipse, I can't switch to the NetBeans.
Here is the post where I found problem like mine. I am trying to go through it.
It maybe better describes what is my problem, when it comes to the EL functions. Also, it is in forum
IDE, Version control and other tools..
I have three files...
Now, after I puted jar files on the java build path, the error from X.tld file is gone (but I am suspitious on that as well, why now is gone)
Before, there was an error on line 1 (The processing instruction must begin with the name of the target ), now I don't have it any more.
Qoute from the thread with parts that describe similar problem, link is above:
I had this terrible problem, trying to use eclipse for El, creating tld, custom tags etc. The support is horrible. (Actually there is none)
I tried something else and it rocks - netBeans.
This has all the features we want. It has excellent wizards for deployment descriptors, tlbs, custom tags etc. Give it a try.
So I think that this is a common problem.
Then, there is this:
Make sure you have the JSTL facet enabled
right-click your project/properties/Project Facets select the JSTL checkbox and version (possibly 1.1 in your case?)
I don't understand this at all, and I don't have that check box...
The thing is that I am trying to persuade Eclipse that it can find a tld file, becouse the file is where it is supposed to be...
Here is the second file, jsp file...
I have 2 errors. Since I changed mine.randFrom10() into mine:randFrom10(), I got error there. Errors is what Eclipse reports...
1st error:
Line 4: can not find tag library descriptor for "X"
(that is why I took the screen snapshot and attached it, to show where is X.tld file...)
2nd error
Line 12: EL syntax error
In Eclipse, my project looks like this (X is where it shows error):
It used to show error at X.tld file also...
I don't know if it is necessary to have jstl.jar and standard.jar files just to use El functions and tld file.
I also don't know where and how should I import them (if I need them for EL functions) into Eclipse project, like this now with Add External JARs on Java Build Path, as how it shows it in lines 12 and 13, but I think that jar files should be in lib subdirectory, maybe I am wrong, on line 20. When I tried like that, importing two files at the time, I got question if I want to overwrite manifest.mf, but I am not sure what it really happend...
In that other thread which link I included here I didn't find much more informations, except something about JSTL...
I am very thankfull for this. I appologize for too much text. I allready promised my self that I have to do a lot of good things to other people becouse of the help that I got here.