So I now read about
EJB and now want to
test some things to understand the functions better. I have a
Tomcat Server with
struts and an "remote" (not on the same JVM, but on the same pc) openejb server.
<b>My programming environment:</b>
1.) Eclipse Helios
2.) Tomcat 6
3.) struts 2.2.1
4.) OpenEJB 3.1.2
<b>What I made:</b>
1.) I run (deploy) my ejb project on my openejb server. All works fine!
2.) I run my client on my tomcat server. When I request my Client (which is an Action in my struts2 framework) and this wants to lookup the remote Bean an <i>java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException</i> occurs.
I think my Client finds the Bean <i>(because I tried another name for the lookup and than an javax.naming.NameNotFoundException occurs)</i>.
I have the following <b>libs</b> in my lib directory on my server for the bean handling:
- openejb-client-3.1.1.jar
- javaee-api-5.0-2.jar
Please help me I don't come further with this Error.
<b>My Client:</b>
<b>This is my error message:</b>