i had seen some application in net by using that i had done how to delete multiple browsers..but im not getting deleted..i had done the following code..im not getting deleted.can anyone help me out.
sorry wrongly i messaged for others post.. regarding multiple delete browsers that hello all asked..i m instresting regarding that topic..so i m waiting for the answer
i had tried what hello all had posted..i changed the code..if i click delete button everything is getting deleted i.e., the table...only add and delete button are present..can any one check it.here is the code
What are you expecting to get deleted..? You are passing the table id to a function and in the function getting its element, and deleting those, obviously it deletes all the elements in the table..
hi Prasad,
according to hello all need i dont know what they want..i think one by one should be get deleted by clicking delete button..can you provide how to do.
hi Prasad,
it is working but the added ones should get deleted i think the main table value is deleting and next the added ones are deleting..how can i do that
it is not deleting all the rows if i click delete button..but the starting browse button should be there i.e default one..by using the above code if i delete the added browse button is remaining without the label..how can we do it.
hi Prasad,
i had tried that one previously what you suggested..when jsp is runned the default one should be there only the added browse buttons should be deleted.i checked by keeping numbers.
This will delete all the added row at once except the first two element, which i think is not your requirement.. Change the deleteRow function to the following...
hi Good Morning Prasad,
i had done the changes what you had suggested..if i click delete every time it is deleted one by one...but i need the default i.e., when you run the page the 1st browse button 'File: Browse' it should not get deleted...here is the code
can you check it..the same thing i need to implement in my application.
thanks for your reply..if i run the page im getting default browse button..if i click 'Add Row' it is adding how many times i click..for suppose if i click 2 times the 'Add Row' button it is getting added..i want to delete the added rows..if i click 'Delete Row' it is deleted the default row and if i click another time it is deleting other row..but i need the default row..if i click default row it should throw an alert..can you provide me the solution.
The first one is your default row right? The rows are getting added below the first one, right? If you click delete, the rows are getting deleted from bottom right?
BTB, how do you make out, which your default row?
the first one is the default row..the rows are getting added below the first one..if i click delete, the rows are getting deleted from top i.e., the first one which is the default..but the default should be there..the added one should get deleted after the default i.e., first row
Yes, the rows are getting deleted from the top, that is, it deleting the rows from the second row, the one remaining is your default one, you can check it by giving a text box instead of a file option.. you will be left with the text box, after you delete all your added browse buttons..
hi Prasad,
i got what i want..i had done some changes...its working fine..here is the code.
thanks for your support..can you suggest me the if i click add row..the row get added at the left side of the table ..but i need to get it below the first row..
i got the added browse buttons in correct format but it is getting added after add,delete,upload..here is the screen shot..can you check my code where it went wrong
put the upload part also in the same td as Add and Delete.. BTB, where do you want Add, Delete and Upload buttons to be.. one after the other or besides?
hi Prasad,
no..for every browse it should not create each time the add and delete button..only one add and delete button should be there.do you got my requirement.
@madhuri: I find it unlikely that you and "hello all" are different people. We discourage sock puppets here. I'm locking this thread until either 1) I'm convinced I'm wrong, pr 2) I'm told that this okay according to JavaRanch policies.
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