Hi all,
I have a textbox mapped to a formBean property.the html output of my
struts JSP for that textbox is :
<input type="text" name="builderDetails.forename">
The '.' in the field name is because builderDetails is a attribute of object type Builder which again has a attribute forename.
Now I need a use the value of that field in a javascript . in the javascript, I refer the value of that field as :
where MyForm is the name of the form (and also name of the FormBean) containing the field.
I get javascript error saying 'forename is null or not an object'. Its the 'builderDetails.forename' name that javascript fails to recognize. For other properties say simple 'forename', the javascript works fine.
My question is , How do I use javascript to access fields having names like 'builderDetails.forename' or others with a '.' in the field name?
[ May 04, 2005: Message edited by: Tanveer Rameez ]
[ May 04, 2005: Message edited by: Tanveer Rameez ]