When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all.
Justin Calleja wrote:One thing I'm finding a bit odd is that the .class files (which I can open and view in the IDE... i.e. I can view the source) have no package definition in them
Justin Calleja wrote:. But when I import them from classes I'm making, they come out like this: import javasource.Picture;
luck, db
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Are you trying to instantiate a Picture object, or use one of the Picture class' methods?
What happens if you try running from the command line?
Also: I think (not sure) when you use eclipse, you might need to set a classpath in your system properties.... maybe another rancher knows for sure.
Classes in a package cannot use classes in the default package (i.e. without a package statement). If you need to use the Picture class in any class other than one in the same default package, you will need to put it in a package and either import it or use a fully qualified name when referring to it.
When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all.
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