I have a search
jsp which brings back a collection of results. the user selects a certain user and then clicks the link to edit this particular user. However the information is not getting sent to the action form and subsequently the action class throws a null pointer.
The link is defined as follows in my jsp:
<html:link forward="editClient"></html:link>
struts config has the following:
<forward name="editClient" path="/actionClient.do?action=edit"/>
<action path="/actionClient"
<forward name="edit" path="/createClient.jsp"/>
When i click on the link the actionClient mapping is called but the values from the jsp are not submitted through the form to the action class. How would I get the values into the form if I am using a link. The reason I am using a link is because this page will also have the option to delete a client and I want to append a request parameter to the URL so the action class will check the parameter then decide what to do.
If I use a submit button the values are passed through.