William Brogden wrote:
How is the request expected to get a reference to your bean? Where is the setAttribute code?
What does JSP have to do with anything here? JSP writes a HTML page to the client browser, if that includes a FORM which does a POST to the servlet, you can only get String values from the request parameters.
Bear Bibeault wrote:You can't.
The request that generates the HTML page created by the JSP goes away when the response is sent to the browser. So any scoped variables in request scope go away with it.
You can only submit form elements from the page back to the server. So you can capture the data in hidden form elements if that's appropriate.
Bear Bibeault wrote:To be honest, after reading this topic through, I'm still not sure what you are really trying to accomplish.
If all you want to do is to pre-populate a form with values, that's pretty striaght-forward and doesn't require all the complications methioned in this topic.
So what are actually trying to do?
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