Kevin Workman wrote:Where are you getting the NullPointerException?
I don't see how you're loading the information into your model. You should be able to create your JTable and the model at construction time, then populate the model with data whenever you load a file.
Campbell Ritchie wrote:I can't see how either of those two lines can throw a null Exception.
however, the problem is that once the UI is already rendered, the table is not updating.
Sege Stephen wrote:One other thing
if I have a List of List;
[[UK, 1,, A, CACHE], [UK, 1,, B, CACHE], [UK, 1,, C, CACHE]]
how do I convert to it Object [][] data
Sege Stephen wrote:One other thing
if I have a List of List;
[[UK, 1,, A, CACHE], [UK, 1,, B, CACHE], [UK, 1,, C, CACHE]]
how do I convert to it Object [][] data
Nidhi.mtech Sharma wrote:Hi. I am having the similar problem. Do you have the solution for this problem?. please post the solution, it would be a great help thanks
luck, db
There are no new questions, but there may be new answers.
Darryl Burke wrote:
Nidhi.mtech Sharma wrote:Hi. I am having the similar problem. Do you have the solution for this problem?. please post the solution, it would be a great help thanks
The solution to the problem discussed here *is* already posted in the thread. Maybe you have a different problem, in which case you need to describe it and supply adequate details.
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