posted 14 years ago
I've also doubts about the domain, maybe you could help me.
1. All the entities (house, wall, roof, etc) are products or House is Product and the others are components?
2. If the user adds a window to a house design, how the system knows in which wall it has to be added?
I think that all the entities are products and a product can have inner products (for example, a house have many walls, a wall has a window, etc). With this approach I don't need a lot of entities (wall, house, roof, etc), it's enough with the product entity. The BMD would be so easy that I think something is wrong...
For the second cuestion, in the UC-2, when the user adds a component (in my opinion a product), he has to specify in which product is going to be added (a roof inside a house, a window inside a wall, etc).
What do you think?