jsp page uses struts2 text field tags to allow people to insert the different image url's into a form that they can submit, which then adds the urls to the database for that image.
If there is already a value in the database for this particular Image, then an image object populates the different url
string properties of my action class, that the textfields then get populated from.
The action class has string properties for top, bottom, sidea, sideb, front, and back.
This works fine, all the textfields get their values from the action class and are populated. The user can see what info is in the database for this particular image,
and change it if they want.
All of the textfields are populated with the data from the database but 1. My Top textfield doesnt load the data correctly.
The data loaded into the textfield is always as such "org.webhop.ywdc.ImagesAction@197507c". The numbers after the @ symbol change, but it always
just loads the action classes location instead of the url. All the other textfields load the correct url string.
Ive checked the action classes "top" property, and the "top" property that the top textbox gets populated from is the correct url returned from the database, its just
that for some reason when the struts2 textbox gets populated, it loads the action classes location with an "@" symbol then some numbers instead of the url.
All of the other image textboxes get their url's loaded correctly (back, front, sidea, sideb, bottom).
Any ideas on what might be causing this???
Its all such a simple set up that I cant imagine what is going wrong.
Please help.