please specify the legal documents for giving SCJP6 exam in india(prometric centre)?
i have called them,they told me you need two id proof(passport,driving license,voter id card or pan card).
i have only one(voter id card).is it enough?
is it a big issue?
i have given my college id and my pan card for registration of scjp. they didnt allow me to write exam. i dont have passport/driving license. so frns, please help me out... i wanna write scjp exam
preethi sweety wrote:i have given my college id and my pan card for registration of scjp. they didnt allow me to write exam. i dont have passport/driving license. so frns, please help me out... i wanna write scjp exam
Contact your exam centre and clarify with them what can be used an ID Proof for them. In my time i had given my VoterID,College ID and a Bank Book Copy.