I'm working on a program to solve the n-queens problem, and am having trouble with determining whether a queen can attack another queen. For the problem, I assume that there is only 1 queen on each row, and they only move within that row to solve the problem. Thus, I can represent the locations of the queens with an array (int[] queens), where the position in the array is the row, and the value of the integer is the column. For example, queens[0] = 0 would mean the queen is in the top left corner of a board, and if there are 5 queens, queens[4] = 4 would indicate it's in the bottom right hand corner. I tried to make a simple problem below that just has a 5x5 board that sets the queens so they cannot attack each other. And I've narrowed down my problem to the "testAttack" method, but it's not working like I want it to. For that method, I assume that queens are not going to be in the same row, so the horizontal check would be redundant, so I'm just trying to implement the column check and the diagonal check.
Any help to improve the testAttack method would be helpful. thanks!
for reference, I also requested help here: