Hello ranchers,
I passed part I this morning
First of all I want to thank all of you that have posted here about their experience: knowing what to expect is really helpful when you prepare for the exam.
Here is some feedback about my experience, trying not to repeat what is already been said here.
1) know the
scope, know the
JEE version: This isn't the J2EE exam, nor the J6EE exam. It's a J5EE exam. This means that
you should use the following resources :
- exam objectives from the oracle education website
J5EE tutorial
- Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for Java™ EE Study Guide,
Second Edition
While it may seems obvious, I lost a lot of time reading obsolote
doc, like the
SCEA exam prep from the developerworks website (16 Aug 2005), and a book covering an old version of the exam. I also lost time reading the J6EE tutorial.
Same for online tests: refer to Jeanne Boyarsky's blog to know which tests are outdated :
2) Know
patterns by heart. Those are easy points because the questions are not subjective.
3) The exam focuses on topics that where introduced in J5EE.
I'll take a few weeks of rest before starting on the assignment.
See you