murali kankanala wrote:
To reference/cast/import these Home and Remote i should have these classes in my build path or classpath. How to get these classes from Service Provider, will they give these classes when we request them and then do we need to put that jar in classpath? Or do we need to run any commands/tools to get stub code?
Okay, here's a brief answer (have to be logout any moment now)!
Your client application (the code that uses the EJBs) is expected to have the application specific home/localhome/remote/local business
interfaces in the client classpath.
Some of the application servers generate compile time proxies/stubs (which is not the same as your application specific interfaces). I don't know if there are servers which do that these days. If you are using such a server, you will need those in your client classpath too. But most application servers (
JBoss for example) do dynamic proxy/stub generation so you won't need those stubs in your client classpath.