Hi all,
I have started learning Struts2 and doing the tutorials from
I am using Eclipse
Java EE
IDE for Web Developers. Version: Helios Release Build id: 20100617-1415 and apache-tomcat-6.0.29 and struts-2.2.1
I decided to combine two things from tutorial
http://struts.apache.org/2.x/docs/processing-forms.html and
http://struts.apache.org/2.x/docs/wildcard-method-selection.html with the following changes
1. org.example.common
>> CommonData.java (Having all common datas)
2. org.example.student
>> action --> StudentAction.java (create(),update(),delete(),query() methods)
>> model --> Student.java (firstname,lastname,roll,serialno)
>> service --> StudentService.java (business logic here)
3. Instead of putting all jsps in one folder
>> WebContent >> WEB-INF --> createstudent.jsp, success.jsp and failure.jsp (all jsps related to student)
>>WebContent >> index.jsp (starting page)
My struts.xml is
My web.xml is
There is no error during compile time but during run time , following errors exists
Can you please tell me what i am doing wrong ?
Regards ,