I seem to have reached the limit of my ability on this one.
I will try and describe the problem, without giving anything away to those following in my dust...
My code works.
Trouble is the nitpicker doesn't like it.
I move some code from the 'main' method, and then i get told I am repeating myself. So... I move some logic back into main, and get told it would be better off back in the method, and just pass parameters.
OK - this I did. Then I get told that the arguments I pass could be handled in the method. Then I am told I could return a value instead of void.
Now so far this will make little sense unless you have been there or you are the nitpicker.
It seems that it would all work fine, but I will end up doubling the amount of code, or moving some if statements to another method, just because of the variable I need (which keeps track of how big the number I have left is), doesn't like to be returned from one method to another.
Could I have some pointers on:
1) Not using FOR statements when the process is only repeated 4 times
2) Why having the IF statements in main is not good
3) Keeping track of a variable that needs to be accessed by ALL methods in a class, and the latest value used!
I have been advised that I am close, but to me I seem to be told to do one thing, and then advised to do it the way I had previously, just better!!
Any pointers gratefully received - DO NOT POST the code and get this pulled, please!