Hello Ranchers,
I have two Servers - a.Main Server and b.Backup Server
OS : CentOS
Configuration For Main Server
Java -jdk1.6.0_0
Tomcat -apache-tomcat-6.0.26
Configuration for Backup Server
Java -jdk1.5.0_22
Tomcat -apache-tomcat-6.0.26
There is a apache websever configured on main server.Load balancer is configured on webserver .Below error show up under high load
There seems to be some problem with either of the tow tomcats
Searched for the error on net the above error comes in 2 scenarios
a.Either off the two was not started properly
b.Two threads of tomcat where alive at the same time.
Is there any kind of
pattern in which the above happens...
Is it possible, we are trying to produce more connections, than configured worker threads on tomcat connector ?
How to check, how many connections to <ip>:8009 is made and they exists in which state when theerror appears?
Whats is the default no of threads configured to connector elements in server.xml
How do these numbers relate to the number of threads configured in the connector elements of your tomcats server.xml?
Request some help ...
Thanks in advance