Lester Burnham wrote:Where is the hello.jar file located?
It must be URL/directory as the page that contains the applet tag
You can take a look at the access log files
Well I included it in build path (I'm using Eclipse). And just in case, I put another copy into the same directory from where the applet is being invoked.
I just don't know how to give a URL to a jar. When I tried to use codebase attribute to specify an archive location, but it was just appended to http://localhost/umms-web/. So, do I need to deploy a jar, as a war archive to, sort of, bind it to specific URL?
Would you give me a hint, where are those located?
Lester Burnham wrote:
The name of the jar file (as given in the archive attribute) is appended to the base URL of the page request.
Well, in my case, it's the name of a class that gets appended to the base URL.
Seems like I have to deploy this jar as a web application to make it accessible by URL. Am I wrong?
So I was forced to add a .java.policy file to my ${user.home} directory
Lester Burnham wrote:In that case, signing the applet works much better.
Yeah, I guess I'll have to dig a bit deeper to learn about signing applets. Although I'm still confused, why including a policy file in a jar didn't work...
Lester Burnham wrote:Because that would amount to the applet granting itself privileges.
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