I am currently writing a 'Create Your Own Adventure' game in
Java. I know the basics of java, and I know how to write a story. There will be story, choices, then more story. Here is a chunk of the story so far
The year is 1917, and America has just entered the Great War. It is a cold morning a few miles off of the coast of New York,
and you can see the fog rolling across the
water. You shiver and embrace yourself, only to fend off some of the cold. As you stare
off of the bow the fog begins to clear, and Lady Liberty comes into view. Your hear races in excitement, and you shake more.
Your nose feels a sharp breeze, and starts to run. You wipe it off on the sleeve of your worn out jacket, the one your father
gave to you. You look around to see if anyone noticed, and you see a little girl around seven holding the hand of her mother. She is
staring right at you. What do you do?
///////////////Choice #1//////////////
1. Give her a look to frighten her.
2. Ignore her.
3. Give her a friendly smile and a wave.
The little girl looks embarrassed and turns away, a shy child obviously. You remember that age don't you? Clinging to your
fathers hand wherever you go, shy and afraid of the world. She isn't too different from you, now is she? Let's talk about your father
now, shall we?
Unlike most fathers, yours wasn't a drunk. He was all you had, you loved him. But you know that, don't you? He raised you
from birth, and made you into the man you are today. He loved your mother, and even though you killed her in child birth he never
blamed you. Never did he guilt you or look down on you for it, he viewed you as the last living thing of her. He gave you the best life
he could, which wasn't very much.
///////////////CHOICE #2////////////////
Growing up in poverty wasn't always easy, or ever easy. Your father loved you, and kept you out of the factories as long as he
could, but you two could only go so long without two sources of income. The three factories closest to your hometown where the
Steel Mill, the Lumber Mill and the Textile Mill. The working conditions where all terrible and kids died everyday working in these
factories. But you needed the money badly, so you got a job. Where did you work at?
1. Steel Mill
2. Textile Mill
3. Lumber Mill
Now, the problems is (I feel dumb) I have NO clue how to do this, or even how to start. If you can help me with how to write the code, or give me a tutorial (I couldn't find the right kind) it would really help. You've helped me before guys, lets see if you can help me again!