I'd be thankful, if you share the changes you made to weblogic.xml and/or weblogic-application.xml file.
I couldn't able to fix it.
Here is my environment details:
App server: Weblogic 10.3.3
Java: JDK1.6
JPA: hibernate-3.1.jar
Thanks for the reply. But, no luck for me. Did you check the environment I sent to you.
I have both the files weblogic-application.xml in META-INF and weblogic.xml in WEb-INF.
Updates of these files is overriding my local configurations. Lookeing for the fix, where it has no dependencies in my app.
Even I tried with the PRE_CLASSPATH update in setDomainEnv.cmd for antlr-2.7.5.jar file.
Working on this to fix. Let you know the updates, if any.
The weblogic.xml changes are required only if you have a EAR file. From the explanation you have given, I presume that you have a windows environment. So you might need only the PRE_CLASSPATH changes in .cmd file.
But first you can verify the following
1. Check if there are more than one occurance of antlr_x_x.jar file in your environment.
2. If there are more occurring, which is obvious as you are getting the exception, then decide from where you want to load it & make changes accordingly.
I am sure this exception occurs due to wrong class loading.
Your check list helped me with some work around.
For 1. There's no more antlr jar file exists, except the WL10.3 provided.
2. I have loaded the file from 'startWebLogic.cmd' (updates for: set CLASSPATH=%WL_HOME%\common\lib\antlr-2.7.6.jar;%SAVE_CLASSPATH%)
and observed that its also working fine from 'setDomainEnv.cmd' (updates for: PRE_CLASSPATH="%{DOMAIN_HOME}%/../lib/pre_classpath_jar/antlr-2.7.6.jar
Make sure to load the file only once( not sure about the behavior, if we load it more than one).
**Only the antlr version:2.7.6 worked for me.