posted 14 years ago
I want to create a clone of linkedListNode videoList (video titles, info, count of video copies) and call it cVList (cVList means customer video list) then resetCopiesInStock the number of video copies to zero for each video and assign an empty cVList to each customer so whenever a customer videoCheckOut a video from the videoList, it will decrement number of copies in videoList and videoCheckOut will increment the number of that exact same video in cVList. I want to know if this is possible and if I'm on the right track. Because I get the errors " package cVList does not exist cVList.clone.videoList();" and " cannot find symbol symbol : variable cVList location: class mainProgVideoStore cVList.resetCopiesInStock();"
Here is my clone method in the Video class
Here is Main method it's a lot of code to look at but since I'm trying to assign each customer their own cVList
I have all the code in the createCustomerList method near the bottom and near the top
I instantiated it "CustomerList cVList = new CustomerList();"