Hi all,
I have a problem in accessing a web service, please help me out
Task : I have a WSDL with me, which i am able to open and see it (ie. i have network access) , i have to call the methods in the wsdl
What i did : I used that wsdl to create a client in
Jboss Developer studio 3.0 (ie. create a Dynamic web project then right click on it and select create web service client,give wsdl and then client it gets created)
But when i am trying to run the client it says
Exception in thread "main" Cannot create Service instance, service {urn:ucsvitriawebservice:Vitriawebservice}ucsvitriawebservice not found in the WSDL http://localhost:8080/ucsvitriawebservice/Vitriawebservice?wsdl
at com.sun.xml.internal.ws.client.ServiceContextBuilder.build(Unknown Source)
at com.sun.xml.internal.ws.client.WSServiceDelegate.<init>(Unknown Source)
at com.sun.xml.internal.ws.spi.ProviderImpl.createServiceDelegate(Unknown Source)
at javax.xml.ws.Service.<init>(Unknown Source)
at vitriawebservice.ucsvitriawebservice.Ucsvitriawebservice.<init>(Ucsvitriawebservice.java:45)
at vitriawebservice.ucsvitriawebservice.clientsample.ClientSample.main(ClientSample.java:10)
but the service is present in wsdl...
Here is the wsdl file
I tried creating the client using ClientGen and then tried to acces the method then it is
working, but in this way we are dependent on weblogic.jar and webservices.jar (ie. these jar's must be in the classpath)
I have to acces the web service from within the JBOSS server so i am not allowed to proceed in the above way.
Help me out please...
Thank you