Aruna Lingaiah wrote:
T. Huy Nguyen wrote:
neeraj bhardwaj wrote:Can anybody help on this. I am really stuck here..
Other observations -
Whenever there is an error in access to jsp shows compilation error but when
there is no errors it says Error 404 - not found.
Quick advise will be greatly appreciated...
I upgraded several applications from wl 8.1 to 10.3 but never encountered similar problem. Maybe your problem have something to do with exploded deployment? because my apps are always deployed as ear file.
Or does your JSP include or forward another JSP that cannot be found?
Hi T. Huy,
We are using several JSP includes and the include directives are erroring out saying file not found? Any advise is greatly appreciated.
I was able to solve this one in our application...
It was actually a bug in our application.The jsps that were being accessed were being pointed to wrong relative path.
In WL8.1, it didn't error as the jsp compiler would automatically try to find from the root. This was because the relative path provided in those jsps would finally point to the root path of the application.
But in 10.3, it errors as it is logically trying to find the file in the specified path and it errors when the file is not found.
I did this by precompiling the jsps using appc before deploying the ear. And then checked the
java files generated in both 10.3 and weblogic 8.1 about the jsp inclusions
Not sure if thats the problem with Neeraj's application, but you can try precompiling your jsps before deploying your application.