I have an aspect called LoggingAspect as defined below:
My application logic is built using Spring. I have a simple JUnittest case to test my service. But I do not see the advice?? Any suggestions as to where the fault could be? Following is my aop.xml that I have in the META-INF folder of my application.
SCJP 1.4, SCWCD 1.4 - Hints for you, Certified Scrum Master
Did a rm -R / to find out that I lost my entire Linux installation!
According to the Spring documentation, I do not need to do any explicit LTW when I use Spring AOP like I did above in my example. But why does it fail to work? When I run my test class I fail to see the advices. Any suggestions please!
SCJP 1.4, SCWCD 1.4 - Hints for you, Certified Scrum Master
Did a rm -R / to find out that I lost my entire Linux installation!
I added spring-tomcat-weaver.jar to the tomcat lib directory. But now it looks like my app itself is not deployed. Below is what I see in the log files. Also when I look at the Tomcat webapps directory, I just see my war file but the exploded war is not there.
SCJP 1.4, SCWCD 1.4 - Hints for you, Certified Scrum Master
Did a rm -R / to find out that I lost my entire Linux installation!
Yes, got rid of this error. My context.xml under tomcat home/conf/catalina/localhost/MyWebapp.xml had a wrong entry for the docBase. It was pointing to my development directory rather than the exploded war directory in Tomcat.
SCJP 1.4, SCWCD 1.4 - Hints for you, Certified Scrum Master
Did a rm -R / to find out that I lost my entire Linux installation!
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