Last week I passed the OCPJBCD exam with score 98%
for studying guide :
i start with EJB in action then i study SCBCD 5.0 Study Guide by Mikalai Zaikin
finally i read some of EJB Core and Java Persistence API (JSR 220)
thanks for this great forum, because they guide me to the right resources
kareem m mahameed wrote:Last week I passed the OCPJBCD exam with score 98%
for studying guide :
i start with EJB in action then i study SCBCD 5.0 Study Guide by Mikalai Zaikin
finally i read some of EJB Core and Java Persistence API (JSR 220)
thanks for this great form, because he guide me to the right resources
Congratulations my man....will you please tell me about this certification...I never heard of it. What is this certification? and what one must need to do to clear this certification..
Kaustubh G Sharma wrote:Congratulations my man....will you please tell me about this certification...I never heard of it. What is this certification? and what one must need to do to clear this certification..
its just a new brand name of SCBCD sun certified business component developer
now called oracle certified professional Java business Component Developer
here it is OCPJBCD