To avoid the complexity of creating and manipulating XML documents.
Requests and responses will still contain XML data, but it will be transformed to Java
objects by, for instance, JAXB. The client and server applications thus do not need to be
aware of the representation (XML) use to pass the Java objects over the wire.
A synchronous transport protocol, like HTTP, is used.
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Ivan Krizsan wrote:Hi!
A quick answer:
The WS-I Basic Profile 1.1 disallows overloaded operations in a WSDL:
Best wishes!
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Kumar Raja wrote:
I read through the post published in IBM regarding "which WSDL to use" and I understood how it differs for WSDL and SOAP messages. But my understanding is, it has nothing to do with how the service is written or how the service is invoked. For both RPC or Document, you can invoke a service either through artifacts or through Dynamic invocation using Dispatch. Similarly, a service can be written either as SEI or by implementing Provider. This does not change with RPC/DOCUMENT style.
The terminology here is very unfortunate: RPC versus document. These terms imply that the RPC style should be used for RPC programming models and that the document style should be used for document or messaging programming models. That is not the case at all. The style has nothing to do with a programming model . It merely dictates how to translate a WSDL binding to a SOAP message. Nothing more. You can use either style with any programming model.
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