I am working on a portlet that uses a custom "struts like" framework, so hopefully the differences aren't causing too much confusion.
I have two methods in my Action class:
1. public ForwardConfig executeRender(ActionConfig mapping, RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response) {
2. public ForwardConfig executeAction(ActionConfig mapping, ActionForm form, ActionRequest request, ActionResponse response) throws PortletException {
The first method prepares the form for render. The second method processes the form after it is submitted. Is there an equivalent to these two methods in a regualar Stuts implementation?
So here is a
test scenario for what I am trying to do:
Say I have workflow type application with 10 forms (and 10 JSPs). I want to be able to pass the first form to the second form's Action class when the second form's Action is called. Then I want to be able to pass the second form to the third form's Action class when the third form's Action is called. And so on...
Does this explaination help at all?