Hi, I get the follow message when running my application:
"No getter method for property pessoaFisica of bean professorVO"
I will try explain how the classes are related:
Funcion�rio - This is my TOP class
Professor - This is child from Funcionario
The Funcionario class contains a reference to the PessoaFisica class and the PessoaFisica class has the nome attribute. OK?
The ProfessorForm class contains the getProfessores method wich returns a collection.
My code is:
<logic:iterate id="titulacaoVO" name="ProfessorForm" property="professores" indexId="index">
<%if((index.intValue() % 2) != 0)%><tr class="lightColor"><%else%><tr>
<td align="left"><bean:write name="titulacaoVO" property="registro"/></td>
But it does�nt work well. Appears the "No getter method for property pessoaFisica of bean professorVO" message.
My doubt is: May
struts recognize inheritance classes?
Please help me.