I was not able to find about it.. so currently, i am generating classes using JAXB and i am copying it to my project.. If you / anyone, come to know, about it, please let us know..
Prasad Krishnegowda wrote:I was not able to find about it.. so currently, i am generating classes using JAXB and i am copying it to my project.. If you / anyone, come to know, about it, please let us know..
Prasad Krishnegowda wrote:I was not able to find about it.. so currently, i am generating classes using JAXB and i am copying it to my project.. If you / anyone, come to know, about it, please let us know..
Thank you so much.. I've been searching for this easy to use tool for a long time, before I found your post.. As I've been familiar with plugin, I do not want to spend time on analyzing the current XSD to Java bean generation tools.
+1 --Velu
Velmurugan Subramanian
There's a way to do it better - find it. -Edison. A better tiny ad: