First, a remark about these lines in your code:
Note that the method
getTimeZone() of class
TimeZone is a static method. You do not need to call that method on an instance of
TimeZone (and, as James said, "GMT Time" is not a valid timezone identifier). Just do this:
Ashu Bharadwaj wrote:However, I wanted the Calendar objects's date to be assigned to the timestamp.
Your code is already doing exactly that in this line:
Ashu Bharadwaj wrote:When I display the TimeStamp it shows : 11:45:20 , which is IST, (I want it to display 05:15:20 GMT )
Yes, because Timestamp objects (just like java.util.Date) do not contain any timezone information. A Timestamp represents an "absolute" moment in time, without timezone information. When you print it with
Java will format it with the default timezone of the system (which happens to be IST on your system). If you want to display it in a different timezone, you must use a
DateFormat object on which you set the desired timezone, and use that to format your Timestamp. For example: