So I am making an app that has user created precepts. In the on create options menu their is an option to create the precept which loads a new activity with some forums then an apply button that writes the forums to a data base. I know this part works because I have read the data with an SQLite browser after pulling the file off the emulator. There is another option to load one of the precepts and this is where I am having issues. I am trying to populate a spinner with all of the rows of the Data Base and display it in a dialog. With the code as it is now it displays the dialog but the dialog has a spinner within a spinner its very strange. If you select the inner spinner it displays a blank spinner and if you select the outer spinner it crashes.
so here is the code in the activity class where I try and make the dialog:
Here is the DatabaseHelper classes getallEntries() method:
And finally the precetselector.xml file
Any help would be greatly appreciated this is the last thing I need to acomplish to feel good about realsing my first app the the Market.
Thank you thank you thank you