posted 14 years ago
Your questions is well motivated - the section which you refer to is not entirely clear which generated artifacts are not needed.
In the example, JAXB bean classes, generated using the XJC JAXB schema compiler are used in order to create request payloads and parse response payloads.
The artifacts that are not needed are the JAX-WS service class and endpoint interface.
Instead of using JAXB, the example could have used a Dispatch<Source> object to send requests. A source can be one of DOMSource, SAXSource, StAXSource, StreamSource (and JAXBSource, but that is JAXB) from which XML data representing a request is read.
That you need to add import statements in your source code is correct - there were omitted in some of the examples to conserve space.
Hope things are more clear.
Best wishes!