@Jesper, Thank You !
That works very fine, one problem solved new one occurs
Now my question, it´s the TreeMap the RIGHT tool to do this, or should i try something else ?
If i put the names like suggested, i got something like this:
14 Ana, Mike, ..
15 John, Travis ...
Give for each name one variable, c1 (Ana), c11 (Mike), c2 (John), c21 (Travis) where at begin they have the same values c1 = c11 = 14, c2 = c21 = 15.
Sort with TreeMap, no problem.
Now, i increase each of them randomly, exeample:
now when two of my variables have the same value, my initial problem appears again
means after first round random, c1 = 18, c11 = 19, c2 = 19, c21 = 22
now i see:
18 Ana
19 John <------------------------------- Mike is missing here
22 Travis
Why i need this? In my quiz ( here the old version without the TreeMap modifications
QUIZ ) i give out a updated list with the "dummy" users + the real user.
For each dummy user i give a variable that increase randomly, so the one user who play have the impresion that 10-15 other guys play at the same time with him