Hi Mike,
Portal infrastructure consists of:
- Portal server: aggregates content from different portlets to show a portal page. A portal page consists of multiple portlets (or windows you can say). You can think that portal server component sits on top of portlet container component.
- Portlet container: manages portlet lifecycle, just like
servlet container manages lifecycle of Java servlets.
If you compare portlet container with a servlet container, then you'll find a lot of similarities between them. In most cases portal server and portlet container components are bundled together and built on top of an existing servlet container. In a way, the portlet container uses the existing features of servlet container to full-fill its responsibilities. The product vendor will usually specify the application servers on which their portlet server/container will work. For instance, Liferay comes bundled with
Tomcat, Jetty, and so on.
So, your understanding is correct, you do need proper infrastructure to use Java portlet components.