Hi Prash, I am also waiting for the J2EE6 exam which is supposed to be released sometime this month, but no one says for sure! Here are the topics from the Beta exam (J2EE 6). The detailed topics, passing score etc are not yet released by Oracle. I think the new exam doesn't have JAXR, but there will be lots of JAX-RS questions! Rest of the exam will be pretty much same as the current exam. Need to wait and see the detailed topics !!
Some one who appeared for the BETA exam, please share your experience.
Create an SOAP web service in a servlet container
Create a RESTful web service in a servlet container
Create a SOAP based web service implemented by an EJB component
Create a RESTful web service implemented by an EJB component
Configure JavaEE security for a SOAP web service
Create a web service client for a SOAP based web service
Create a web service client for a RESTful web service
Create a SOAP based web service using Java SE platform
Create handlers for SOAP web services
Create low-level SOAP web services
Use MTOM and MIME in a SOAP web service
Use WS-Addressing with a SOAP web service
Configure Message Level security for a SOAP web service
Apply best practices to design and implement web services
SCJP6, SCWCD5, OCP-JBCD5, OCE-JWSD6 OCE-JPAD6 , OCM-JEA5 1,OCM-JEA5 2,3,OCJP8 - Brainbench certifications: J2EE, Java2, Java2-NonGUI, JSP, SQL2000 Admin, SQL2000 Programming , Brainbench certified Java Programmer, Computer Programmer, Web Developer, Database Administrator