no my provlem will not be solved with this.
i have 2 ear files deployed on 2 different servers
for example A on Portal and B on webApp Server
a jsp from A will pop up a new window when clicked on the PDF Icon by calling the
Java Script
function open_report(commId, formName, thisEvent) {
<%String user = renderRequest.getRemoteUser();%>
var idUser = "<%= user %>";
var appUrl = "<%=ApplicationConstants.APP_SERVER_LOCALHOST%>"+"<%= MTPResources.getReportServletURL()%>"; (""+appUrl+"?idReport="+commId+"&formName="+formName+"&idUser="+idUser,
"mywindow", "alwaysRaised=yes,toolbar=yes,scrollbars=yes,left=100,top=100,width=800,height=600,resizable=yes");
return false;
ApplicationConstants.APP_SERVER_LOCALHOST gives
http://localhost:9080 which is hardcoded
and MTPResources.getReportServletURL() gives /B/ReportServlet this reportServlet is in ws_mtp(deployed in websphere App Server) and renderRequest.getContextPath() will give ./A
since i have hardcoded it pop up window has the following Path in the address bar
else it would have given
and a Blank page will be displayed.
i want to get
http://localhost:9080/ without hard coding. Hope you have understood what i am trying to explain.
any help will be appreciated.
Thank you.