Hi I am right home after the exam..
I wanted to tell you guys that I cleared the OCJP exam with 100%.
First of all I would like to thank Mr. Devaka Cooray for his excellent Exam Lab software.
All the guys at javachamp.com
And Kathy Sierra & Bert Bates for their excellent work on the Exam...

Sorry I didn't buy a copy

but i borrowed one from my friends!!!
Let me tell you'll how I prepared for the exam!!
I started learning
java at the UCSC (University of Colombo School of Computing - Sri Lanka) on late February 2010. Since then i was writing lots and lots of code in java. I knew C# C++ C as well, sometimes it was confusing to sort out issues between all the languages, it provided some necessary back ground for me!!!
Then I got down Kathy Sierra Book from one of my friends and went through the whole book within one week!!
Then I did some mock papers to check my level (my initial plan was to take the exam somewhere in July 2010

The first mock exam I did was
ExamLab's diagnostic exam!! Believe me I scored only 17%
I was shocked!!
Then i changed my traditional approach to the exam(studying books and writing codings for countless hours

I use ExamLabs as a learning tool. The explanation were good. I had K&B book open on the table, turning pages here and there between those "Two Minute Drills".
Then i used many mock exams available on the net _> javachamp.com was one hot place........
Finally I was able to score 52% percent at ExamLabs Simulator.(Not that impressive. Eh

Then i turned to the CD which came with the K&B book. Learnkey exams. I scored 68%, 72% and 66% for the exams provided in the CD. (There hints and the report they were generating after the exam was very very very helpful..)
Finally after lots of hardworking and doing the practice exam 1 in OCP Java SE6 Practice Exams Chapter 1 which is freely available at mhprofessional.com, completing the mock
test at "A Programmers Guide to Java
SCJP certification Mughal Rasmussen", when i was able to complete all the self tests provided at KB. I decided to take the exam.